OK...hari ini adalah hari yang bisa dibilang agak sedikit mengesalkan buat gw.
Pertama, gw dimarahin sama the big boss in here, karena kemaren secara tiba2 gw gak masuk. Yah mo gimana lagi..namanya dapet panggilan interview dari perusahaan laen yg cukup worthed to try.
Kedua, some one that she already know that I'm a married guy questioning my feeling about her, cause she said she like me from 2 months ago...what the heck is this? but the worst is she already married too...
Ketiga, gw dah mulai bosan dengan segala rutinitas yang ada. gak itu di kantor, gak itu di rumah...
Keempat, I feel like I lost direction of my life..sometimes [and now more intens] I came in some situation that can't be explain, why and how I can ended in here..?!
Kelima, who the fuck I am sharing all my shit in here with you...??!! Throw all this nonsens for you to read, wasting your time just to read this crap..
damn...my apologies for you all...
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