Man to man is so unjust, children: Ya don't know who to trust. Your worst enemy could be your best friend, And your best friend your worst enemy.
Some will eat and drink with you, Then behind them su-su 'pon you. Only your friend know your secrets, So only he could reveal it. And who the cap fit, let them wear it! Who the cap fit, let them wear it! Said ah throw meh corn, me no call no fowl; Ah saying, "Cook-cook-cook, cluk-cluk-cluk."
Some will hate you, pretend they love you now, Then behind they try to eliminate you. But who Jah bless, no one curse; Thank God, we're past the worst. Hypocrites and parasites Will come up and take a bite. And if your night should turn to day, Ah lot of people would run away. And who the cap fit let them wear it!
well nothing to says that this morning I have a great weather and the sky that makes me feel so so comfort with this life. this cold weather makes me feel so free...I can feel the touch of the wind on my hands. cold, but make me flying more high to the land of imagination, to the land of hope..
my soul fly so freely, touch the clouds, touch my dream, touch my deepest heart and hold me like a lover. I only stood still to feel all those happen...only stood still and nothing...nothing I could do except to surrender to be conquer by this joy of happiness that suddenly struck me...
I took my jah and light it up...ease my mind. what a peaceful situation I got...and what a life. I smile to the world, smile to the dream, smile to my self for this beautiful moment. thinking what I've done, thinking what now I become, thinking why..why the world so awesome.
and how beautiful you are...
pict. reference: here